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13. Okt 2022

Come visit the sofatutor office!

Welcome to our vivid sofatutor office in Berlin-Friedrichshain! On a quick photo tour we show you which values ​​accompany our everyday work and where the innovation of digital learning happens. As we are a remote company and international team, our work life, meetings and communication take place digitally. Those who want to work on site and get together in person, can find the perfect spot for it in our office.

29. Sep 2022

My summer as working student in Talent Acquisition @sofatutor

An excerpt of my sofatutor-summer-diary: Not romantic in the traditional sense but somehow a love letter to all those learnings I made, as a working student in our talent team, these last few months between the end of my bachelor’s degree and the start of my master’s. How my journey at sofatutor started as an intern – you can read about it here.

21. Sep 2022

sofatutor is now available in the USA & UK!

What a journey! After many months of preparation, we can finally tell you that sofatutor is now available in the US and UK regions. Since September 5th, both websites are live and online – Go ahead and check them out via us.sofatutor.com and sofatutor.co.uk.

9. Sep 2022

The big day: #sofatutorsummerweek 2022

There is one day we haven’t talked about yet: The peak and for many of us the highlight of our summer event week, that we don’t want to hide from you. In this post you will therefore get to know about what happened on Wednesday August 24th, the day of our big sofatutor summer event. Sneak Peek: In the linked video (at the end of the post) you can also immerse yourself directly in the day at the lake…

26. Aug 2022

‘You looked different on screen’: Getting to know our international team in person

Who knows the game ‘Line Up!’?

‘Line up in order of your time as a sofatutor team member!’
When our Head of People & Culture, Rita, asked us to do so in our international gathering on Monday, it became visible that many team members haven´t been with sofatutor for a long time. In fact the biggest crowd was formed by colleagues who joined us within the last 12 months. While we are counting the last days until the launch of our website in the US, this project has been majorly guiding sofatutors development and team growth in the last 1.5 years. Working together with experts from the about-to-be-entered overseas markets, our team has grown in its total number of faces and gained in internationality.

23. Aug 2022

Let's start the celebrations: Kicking-off the Summer Event Week

Yesterday was the day: We kicked off our big Summer Event Week!
For everyone reading our blog: We wish you a warm welcome into this exciting week and fun following us around during the next posts! To review the first day with all its first impressions, we have collected a few moments of our team-morning at Holzmarkt in this post.

19. Aug 2022

Attention: Hot town, summer in the city at the sofatutor Summer Event Week

After curious waiting, we are more than excited to finally kick off our Summer Event Week next Monday! From Monday, August 22nd, to Friday, August 26th, the entire sofatutor team will get together in person, working in the office in Berlin-Friedrichshain and celebrating summer at different outdoor locations.

11. Aug 2022

Company-Run 2022: Leaving the sofa for team building, personal challenges and health

After two years of dry spells, our teams were all the more excited about this year’s Berlin Company Run. While some of us conquered the classical 5.5-kilometer track through Berlin Mitte, international team members joined for a jog at the same time at their location.
All supported by roadside cheerleaders and of course mental support from the rest of the team ;). We believe in: ‘Schweiß schweißt zusammen!’ (sweat welds together)

5. Jul 2022

Come Lunch & Learn with us!

The motto “Employees train Employees” did not only apply during our conference day in April. On a smaller scale but with a pizza bonus, our Product and Tech team has started a series of learning events: At Lunch & Learn, team members, present interesting and latest topics in the areas of product and technology, which are then discussed in plenary with lunch and drinks.

23. Jun 2022

Get started @sofatutor: from Trainee to Team Lead

At our Family and Friends picnic in May, we not only got to know our colleagues’ favorite drinks and snacks but some interesting backgrounds and careers. In addition to many new faces in very different positions and levels, there are also some team members who “grew up” together with sofatutor. Angelina is one of them. While she joined sofatutor as Marketing Trainee nearly five years ago, she now leads Team Organic Growth herself.

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