sofatutor's virtual reality team events: A look into the future of remote working
Between January and May, we jumped into virtual reality.
How can we shape our collaboration there? What opportunities does VR offer for sofatutor as a remote-first company? Today we summarize on the blog what we have experienced in the last few months during our first VR team events.
Ein Blick in die Redaktion bei sofatutor
Hast du dich schon einmal gefragt, wie es ist, als Redakteur*in bei sofatutor zu arbeiten? Heute werfen wir einen Blick hinter die Kulissen der Arbeit unserer kreativen Köpfe. Erfahre aus teaminterner Sicht, wie die redaktionelle Arbeit bei sofatutor aussieht, mit wem man zusammenarbeitet und was sofatutor als Arbeitgeber besonders macht.
Deepening connections and nurturing learning at the sofatutor unconference 2023
In the heart of Berlin, amidst the warm August sun, sofatutor’s summer event week was abuzz with energy and enthusiasm. Among the many activities and gatherings that took place, one event stood out for its unique and refreshing approach to fostering learning and connection: our first sofatutor unconference. In this post, you’ll get to know this unconventional event, which combined both sofatutor’s core value of learning while also reinforcing the motto of our summer event week: deepening team connections.
Getting to know our benefits: Being mobile with sofatutor
As part of our benefits program our employees can choose between different mobility offerings that support mobility on both short distances and longer trips throughout Germany.
In this post you’ll get to read about sofatutor’s Swapfiets membership, the BVG and Deutschlandticket, how team members use them and how to combine them with other benefits.
Teacher Premium: sofatutor’s new offer for teachers and schools
In May, we launched a new offer specifically for teachers. With Teacher Premium, individual teachers can now take advantage of all the benefits of our online learning platform and share our content with their students.
In this post you’ll learn what Teacher Premium offers in detail, why it was developed and who was involved in the process.
Mein Schülerpraktikum im Content-Team bei sofatutor
Im April hat Olivia, die eine 9. Klasse besucht, ihr Schülerpraktikum bei sofatutor gemacht. In einer Woche hat sie unser Content-Team kennengelernt, gesehen, wie Lernvideos entstehen und selbst Illustrationen für sofatutor kreiert. In diesem Blog-Post erzählt sie selbst von ihren Erfahrungen und zeigt uns ihre eigenen sofatutor-Illustrationen:
Getting to know our benefits: Keep moving with sofatutor
Since we spend several hours a day sitting in front of our monitors or attending meetings, exercise can be a good compensation. Sports can also improve your mood and your ability to concentrate. To facilitate team members a healthy distraction from their daily work routine, sofatutor offers a variety of fitness benefits, you’ll get to know in this post.
Getting to know our benefits: Working abroad for our remote first company
With around 250 people, working from all over the world, we shape the future of digital education internationally. How working with sofatutor from anywhere in Germany or from abroad works, you’ll read in this post. Catch impressions both from the team and the business side.
Personal & professional development @sofatutor: Talent Acquisition to People Business Partnering
Employee Development is a driving force at sofatutor, and we strive for our employees to grow within our teams.
What does this mean? We support them in improving their existing competencies, but also in developing new skills. In this post we look at Viviana’s path, learning how Employee Development can look like at sofatutor.
Strategically Forming Visions at sofatutor
What vision guides us at sofatutor? How is the company strategy adapted and integrated in the teams?
In this post, you will learn about the process which the People & Culture team goes through to work on a vision that guides our team and supports Sofatutor on its further journey. You will get to know about our vision workshop in Berlin this week and learn how a common vision can emerge from different perspectives.
Being a parent with sofatutor
sofatutor has developed from a small start up to a top player in EdTech in the last few years. Our staff has grown as well and many employees have also grown at home and have become parents.
sofatutor tries to relieve and support parents in many different ways. In the following I will share my experience as a father and Caro’s experience as a mother working for sofatutor:
Helping elves behind the sofatutor blog 2022
Company Christmas parties, last team meetings, big retros and plannings… Everybody seems busy preparing for the end of the year.
A good opportunity to review what happened on the sofatutor blog in 2022 and to thank everyone who contributed with knowledge, skills, creativity and planning. A more or less small team of helping elves is hiding behind every post. They remain unseen but only with every little contribution, ideas can be rolled out on the blog. Introducing you to one of those helpers, today you will get to know Lena. With her skills in Graphic Design and Illustration she brightens up posts with pictures and illustrations.
Diving deeper (Agility Part II): How agility is lived within our teams
Valentina and Christian are both Engineering Managers in two of our five agile teams (named by the colors pictured above), that form the Product & Tech area at sofatutor. Together with them we take a look at the work of Team Green and Team Purple and find out how agility is lived in individual and collaborative work. Today you will find out why agile ways of thinking have led to sofatutor’s product and tech team not working uniformly according to the strict Scrum style.
Thinking agile Part I: Working in a Scrum setting at sofatutor
Sudden new requirements for the work of the team in the middle of an ongoing process? Technical innovations that need to be implemented quickly? Agility in mind and work makes it possible to react quickly to all such internal and external changes.
In a small blog post series we introduce the sofatutor way of agility to you. Among others, you will get some insights by one of our Agile Coaches in Product and Tech, Veronica. In this first post you will also get a short introduction into scrum by Viviana, People Business Partner for our content team, who recently certified as ‘Scrum Master’.
Workation (global mobile working) at sofatutor
We all know that feeling, you don’t have that much time for vacation left and you still get the urge to travel. That’s how I felt this year, so I thought, why not try out Workation? With our policy for global mobile work, this should be no problem.
Come visit the sofatutor office!
Welcome to our vivid sofatutor office in Berlin-Friedrichshain! On a quick photo tour we show you which values accompany our everyday work and where the innovation of digital learning happens. As we are a remote company and international team, our work life, meetings and communication take place digitally. Those who want to work on site and get together in person, can find the perfect spot for it in our office.
My summer as working student in Talent Acquisition @sofatutor
An excerpt of my sofatutor-summer-diary: Not romantic in the traditional sense but somehow a love letter to all those learnings I made, as a working student in our talent team, these last few months between the end of my bachelor’s degree and the start of my master’s. How my journey at sofatutor started as an intern – you can read about it here.
Creative work, house, and team building @sofatutor
As Berlin finally showed its friendly spring face at the end of April, our team was drawn in the fresh air. Work and laptops stayed on our desks, and we spent the day outside the office.
Hands-on: Praktikum & Werkstudium bei sofatutor
Als Praktikant*in und Werkstudent*in bei sofatutor erlebst du, wie nach der Hands-on-Mentalität gelebt und gearbeitet wird. Du bist wichtiger Teil deines Teams, betreust eigene Aufgabenbereiche und bringst die digitale Bildung durch dein Engagement jeden Tag ein Stückchen weiter!
Discover the user needs – Agiles Arbeiten bei sofatutor
sofatutor unterstützt Schüler/-innen dabei, mit Spaß zu lernen. Um dies optimal tun zu können, müssen wir wissen, was unsere Nutzer/-innen sich von unserer Plattform wünschen. Wie agile Strukturen uns beim Arbeiten helfen, erklärt unser Agile Coach Karin.
Die Sonne ruft – den Arbeitsplatz auf Thailands Trauminsel mitnehmen
Unsere Kollegin Caro aus der sofatutor-Redaktion schlug dem Berliner Winter ein Schnippchen und arbeitete zwei Monate lang aus Thailand. Nun ist sie ins sommerliche Berlin zurückgekehrt und berichtet über ihre Erlebnisse.
Der sofatutor-Plattform-Test
Im letzten Sommer lud das sofatutor-Team Schülerinnen und Schüler und ihre Eltern ins Büro in Berlin-Friedrichshain ein. Sie sollten die Lernplattform testen.