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22. Dez 2023

Mal deinen sofatutor Charakter - eine Schritt-für-Schritt Anleitung

Die Weihnachtsferien stehen vor der Tür, und wir bei sofatutor möchten sie gemeinsam mit dir auf besonders kreative Weise erleben! Deshalb haben wir eine Schritt-für-Schritt Anleitung zum Malen unserer sofatutor Charaktere erstellt, mit der du deine Lieblingsfigur selber malen kannst. Die Malanleitung ist perfekt für Kinder – und auch für all diejenigen geeignet, die gerne fantasievolle Charaktere gestalten möchten.

8. Nov 2023

Sustainability at sofatutor

At sofatutor, we believe that our company’s success is not just about what we achieve, but how we achieve it. Today we want to shine a spotlight on our sustainability initiatives and share a special event that’s close to our hearts: sofatutor’s very first remote sustainability day.

19. Okt 2023

Deepening connections and nurturing learning at the sofatutor unconference 2023

In the heart of Berlin, amidst the warm August sun, sofatutor’s summer event week was abuzz with energy and enthusiasm. Among the many activities and gatherings that took place, one event stood out for its unique and refreshing approach to fostering learning and connection: our first sofatutor unconference. In this post, you’ll get to know this unconventional event, which combined both sofatutor’s core value of learning while also reinforcing the motto of our summer event week: deepening team connections.

18. Jul 2023

Internal learning @sofatutor: Participation in German classes

We are very happy to be working in a more and more international team. To support our employees to get along well in a non-native speaking work environment, we offer German and English courses for different levels through our language school as part of our benefit program. In this post, we collect some insights from sofatutor team members who are keen about learning German with sofatutor.

2. Mär 2023

Personal & professional development @sofatutor: Talent Acquisition to People Business Partnering

Employee Development is a driving force at sofatutor, and we strive for our employees to grow within our teams.
What does this mean? We support them in improving their existing competencies, but also in developing new skills. In this post we look at Viviana’s path, learning how Employee Development can look like at sofatutor.

23. Nov 2022

Internal Learning @ sofatutor: Conference Day

Learning – one of sofatutor’s core values. In order to meet that company value, sofatutor offers various possibilities for their employees to constantly develop themselves professionally and personally. One of our favorites took place yesterday, November 22nd: the remote Conference Day. A whole day dedicated to learning from and teaching your colleagues – no matter if the topic is about company-related aspects or just about something that an employee is personally passionate about and wants to share their thoughts on it.

2. Nov 2022

Further education at sofatutor - let’s improve our Business English skills!

At sofatutor, learning and education are our top priorities – which is why learning is one of our company’s core values. Learning at sofatutor doesn’t just stop with pupils studying on our platform, employees can also benefit from regular training.

5. Jul 2022

Come Lunch & Learn with us!

The motto “Employees train Employees” did not only apply during our conference day in April. On a smaller scale but with a pizza bonus, our Product and Tech team has started a series of learning events: At Lunch & Learn, team members, present interesting and latest topics in the areas of product and technology, which are then discussed in plenary with lunch and drinks.

14. Apr 2022

Employees train employees - The Remote Conference Day @sofatutor

Last week, on April 5th, everyone at sofatutor had the same appointment scheduled: Remote Conference Day… A day on which we could learn from and with each other. Learn about projects and structures of other sofatutor teams and about topics that are not specifically sofatutor-related.

16. Dez 2020

„How to build a second brain“ – der erste sofatutor-Conference-Day

„Hallo und herzlich willkommen in unseren Wohnzimmern, Schlafzimmern, Küchen und Arbeitszimmern.“ Denn auch wir bei sofatutor arbeiten seit Monaten im Home-Office. Zwar vermissen wir unser schönes Büro, die gemeinsamen Pausen und die kleinen Gespräche an der Kaffeemaschine. Aber wir haben das große Glück, dass wir unseren Büroplatz zu uns nach Hause holen können. Und nicht nur das: Wir haben sogar jüngst den ersten digitalen sofatutor-Conference-Day in unseren eigenen vier Wänden veranstaltet.

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