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14. Apr 2022

Employees train employees - The Remote Conference Day @sofatutor

Last week, on April 5th, everyone at sofatutor had the same appointment scheduled: Remote Conference Day… A day on which we could learn from and with each other. Learn about projects and structures of other sofatutor teams and about topics that are not specifically sofatutor-related.

Bringing routine and rhythm into everyday work helps us work more efficiently and safely. In an agile working environment, we at sofatutor constantly learn new things and think outside the box. As a team, we strive for flexibility and adaptability. Not only to be up-to-date with innovations but also to walk unknown paths in the topic of E-Learning ourselves.
Therefore Remote Conference Day is meant to broaden our horizons and feed our brains and thoughts with new, fresh food.

With a quick welcoming hosted by Colin, Managing Director, and Rita, our Head of HR, we kicked off the day.
Out of a colorful variety, we picked out the topics, lectures, and sessions that we favored. Tough decisions needed to be made here due to more than one exciting session taking place at a time. Once decided we could smoothly enter the chosen session with meeting links provided by our busy planners from Office Management.

In presentations, we, for example, caught some insights on our Internationalization, received a crisp overview on team-focus topics, and were taught how to successfully sell sofatutor online and offline. These, more or less, work-related topics were accompanied by interactive learning sessions in which we got to know the 5 dysfunctions of a team or together reflected on our personal strengths.

Packed with learning opportunities, we were all able to take something away from the day and feed our brains. However, as we all know, a healthy working day also includes breaks for our required and encouraged brains. In a small spring equinox and day-ending yoga session, we could reflect on our (work-related) surroundings and the new knowledge we earned throughout the past day.

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