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8. Nov 2023

Sustainability at sofatutor

At sofatutor, we believe that our company’s success is not just about what we achieve, but how we achieve it. Today we want to shine a spotlight on our sustainability initiatives and share a special event that’s close to our hearts: sofatutor’s very first remote sustainability day.

Sustainability day: A glimpse into our values
This week the first remote Sustainability Day took place at sofatutor. The event serves as an opportunity for us to not only inform and exchange ideas on our sustainability efforts but also to raise awareness about our environment. Our remote gathering featured presentations by a mix of internal and external contributors. We talked about sustainability at sofatutor in general and also got introduced to foodsharing and a Planetary Health Diet as sustainability initiatives you can include in your day to day life yourself.
We understand that protecting our planet is everyone’s responsibility, and we’re committed to making a positive impact in any way we can. Our sustainability day is a chance for us to learn, collaborate, and inspire each other to make meaningful changes.

sofatutor’s partnership with FutureBens
We are committed to supporting more conscientious consumption choices and therefore partnered with FutureBens, an exclusive platform that offers a wide array of sustainable products. After all, discounts are always appreciated, but it’s even better when they come with a chance to make the world a little brighter.
Are you looking for eco-friendly products, sustainable services, or simply want to reduce your environmental footprint? Together with FutureBens, we offer discounts up to 35% on a selection of over 100 trusted brands, including KoRo and ChariTea.

Next to FutureBens we also offer a variety of mobility benefits that support you in traveling more sustainably. You’ll get to know about Swapfiets – Bicycle Rental, and other options in the linked blog post.

Sustainable composting with “Team Worm”
Did you know that one third of your residual waste consists of organic waste?
This organic waste can be composted into nutrient-rich soil, serving as the basis for your vegetable patches and balcony flower pots. Our Employee Experience Team therefore initiated the move-in of “Team Worm” this March. Sustainable worms? We leave the organic waste that accumulates in the office to those little helpers, who process it in a wooden box, the so-called “Wurmkiste”. Our further plan? To use the processed valuable soil for our many plants in the office and close the cycle of sustainable composting. With small, unconventional initiatives like these, we can also work on our sustainability in everyday office life. By the way, you can also work together with Team Worm in your own kitchen:)

Make a difference with us
Our mission is to not only educate and inspire but also to protect the world we live in.
We believe that change starts with individual actions, and collectively, we can create a brighter future. So, if you’re ready to embark on a journey that combines your career aspirations with a shared mission of sustainability, head over to our career page. We’re excited to welcome like-minded individuals who are eager to make a positive impact.

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