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23. Nov 2022

Internal Learning @ sofatutor: Conference Day

Learning – one of sofatutor’s core values. In order to meet that company value, sofatutor offers various possibilities for their employees to constantly develop themselves professionally and personally. One of our favorites took place yesterday, November 22nd: the remote Conference Day. A whole day dedicated to learning from and teaching your colleagues – no matter if the topic is about company-related aspects or just about something that an employee is personally passionate about and wants to share their thoughts on it.

The Conference Day is a bi-yearly event that is organized completely remotely, so that the whole sofatutor team, which is spread over the whole world, can participate. Due to our international team, the day actually starts twice: Once, in the morning of our Europe-based employees and secondly, in the morning of our US-based colleagues (which means in the evening in German time). But it doesn’t matter, in which time zone you are located, you will be greeted by a welcome speech by Stephan, founder and CEO, to kick off the day. Afterwards, it really feels like having the agony of choice as there is a huge variety of lectures, workshops and keynote speeches to choose from. Of course, some run in parallel – just like it would be at a “real” conference.

Thanks to a number of colleagues who voluntarily take over a session, sofatutor’s Conference Day really offers a varied mix that ensures exciting topics and new insights for everyone. Once you’ve decided which sessions to attend, you simply click on the video call link, provided by our Office Management Team that took over all of the planning and organizing of this event. Big shout-out to them!

Once you’re on the call, it really is amazing to see how lively and interactive the sessions are. The team uses this opportunity to exchange ideas, get to know each other better and share their passions. I, myself, chose to take part in discussions and workshops around the topics of humor in the digital workplace in order to learn how to use lol and :) best, moderation basics and power of Miro (see picture below) as well as the relationship between agility and boredom. Other sessions of the day included learnings about Data Storytelling or insights on the world of Pricing. Furthermore, the Conference Day offered external sessions, such as the opportunity to get sportive with Pilates or reflect on how to stop putting too much pressure on yourself with the help of external coaches from Mindsurance. Both, internal and external input, was super interesting with a lot of value for the participants!

At the end of this long, but incredibly insightful day, I realized that a whole day away from daily responsibilities and tasks really helps to get new thoughts and ideas. You might even be able to use your new knowledge and create synergies with your daily work or outside of work. Thankfully, all sessions of the day were recorded, so in case there were various at the same time, the team can watch the recording of those later to benefit even more. This way, it seems like the conference day can even continue into the next few days and weeks…

Do you want to become part of the team and see the next conference day with your own eyes? Then go ahead and apply on our website. We look forward to getting to know you!

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