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16. Feb 2023

Strategically Forming Visions at sofatutor

What vision guides us at sofatutor? How is the company strategy adapted and integrated in the teams?

In this post, you will learn about the process which the People & Culture team goes through to work on a vision that guides our team and supports Sofatutor on its further journey. You will get to know about our vision workshop in Berlin this week and learn how a common vision can emerge from different perspectives.

The mission and vision of the People & Culture team grows in close collaboration with our management and key stakeholders. We also derive individual strategic initiatives from our company strategy. Strategic initiatives are communicated to the entire sofatutor team three times a year in our Company Strategy Meetings. These meetings address questions for the individual departments, such as: What goals and challenges do we face? What concrete tasks arise, and how do we tackle them?

The People & Culture Team Vision thus is formed by three central influencing factors that have been defined:

  1. Management input (What does sofatutor need from us as a team?)
  2. Personal drive (What drives our team on an individual level?)
  3. Organizational factors (What is happening around us? What is required of whom?)

From these influences, creative brainstorming sessions eventually form a first draft of our team vision that unites the strive for being a unique and great place to work, supporting a great leadership team, and appearing as a professional People & Culture team.
At the sub-team level, we then derived KPI’s (Key Performance Indicators); a set of criteria from this vision that could be used to measure our success as a team and make it recognizable to the entire People & Culture team.

In order to unite the individual work of our three sub-teams (Talent Acquisition, People Business Partnership, and Employee Experience), and to consolidate a common P&C vision, we finally explored the question “What do we need to do in the next couple of years to fulfill our team vision?” in a Vision Workshop this Monday.
Here we worked with P&C specific strategic pillars, from which concrete tasks for the individual areas of responsibility were derived.
We were supported by Ingeborg, an external trainer, with whom we spent Monday afternoon in a Berlin co-working space.

Our summary: The vision workshop picked us up in the sub-teams and strengthened our understanding of current goals and responsibilities of all P&C areas. We look forward to a sequel to dive in even deeper and solidify our shared vision.

After a joint workshop afternoon, the motto is: After work comes pleasure! In the very visionary ambience of a black-light mini-golf course, we competed against each other in ball sinking, before ending the evening with shared drinks and Asian tapas. A well-rounded team day that we look forward to repeating!

You can get a deeper insight into similar team projects and events on the blog :)
Recently you will also get to know our cute, fictional team members there: The sofatutor learning characters in math and languages.

Do you like what you read and see? Do you share sofatutor’s vision and want to work with us to make learning flexible and fun? We are looking forward to getting to know you!
You can either directly apply to be part of the team via our website, or send us an email to: jobs@sofatutor.com.

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