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2. Feb 2023

Learning languages playfully with our international sofatutor characters

Welcome back to our colorful family of learning characters!
A couple of weeks ago we already introduced you to sofatutor’s fictional math experts for our users in the US and the UK. As promised, in this post you will get to know our international characters in the field of English Language Arts. Many international characters are also part of sofatutor’s DACH character family. Therefore, you can use this post to take a glimpse into what sofatutor e-learning content looks like internationally.

Meet the playful e-teaching family and learn who is there to help you when you are learning English Language Arts. We are confident that our editorial and design teams will inspire you with the digital learning helpers they created and wish you a fun time with all of them!

Foundational Skills

  • Grade Levels: K-4
  • Characters: Donkey Dee & Sheep Kala

Together with Kala and Dee, a sheep and a donkey, you can practice foundational skills, which will help you learn all the other amazing parts of English Language Arts. For example, learn about Uppercase Letters or the Counting and Segmentation of Syllables with them. The two characters spend most of their time outside and wandering around to see new things and learn new skills. They never miss their huge backpacks that hold everything inside Kala or Dee might need while on their learning adventures.

Informational Texts

  • Grade Levels: K-4
  • Characters: Otter Otis & Octopus Pearl

The best friends Otis and Pearl inspire you to learn more about Informational Texts. While following them on their adventures underwater and on dry land, you get to know helpful Reading Strategies or how to compare texts. There’s never a dull moment with these two! Otis is very hands on and loves to learn new things, but especially watch out for Pearl! She has been known to disappear from her water backpack unexpectedly and play a trick or two on her friend.


  • Grade levels: K-4
  • Characters: Koala Koko & Bush Baby Pip

Koko and Pip are quite an unusual duo, though they complement each other well and can support you perfectly in their field of expertise – Language. While Koko’s calm and chilled appearance makes her the perfect expert of Punctuation rules and Word Categories, Pip makes sure to energize the learning process with his bright (sometimes a bit hyperactive) personality. How opposites attract…


  • Grade levels: K-4
  • Characters: Dragon Zayd & Bunny Ari

Looking for learning material on Story Elements, Poetry or Figurative Language, you’ll meet Zayd and Ari. They both have a lot of imagination and collect new knowledge by visiting mythical places. Usually, they get there by Zayd flying them. To make them share their expertise in Literature with you, you might have to interrupt these two book worms in their reading!

Speaking & Listening

  • Grade levels: K-4
  • Characters: Rose & Patty

Rose is an expert in the area of Speaking & Listening, but she does not always ooze confidence about her qualities. Therefore, the introverted seal often is a little unsure and needs support from her dear friend, Patty. The tiny starfish is always right by Rose’s side and motivates her to achieve her best, no matter what. Together the two guide you through the world of Speaking & Listening, while their collaborative characters show how to speak up and express yourself so that everyone can hear you!


  • Grade levels: K-4
  • Characters: Ernie & Jane

In videos about Writing, you’ll see Earnie the sloth and Jane the owl, relaxing in a tree house office or flying around to gather new information. Earnie sometimes seems lazy, but he actually just likes to take his time when writing and he is very conscientious. The more energetic Jane assists Ernie as a field reporter. With their teamwork, they introduce you to the world of writing and explain the difference between Narrative and Opinion Writing.

That’s all for now! With these two posts you have an overview of our current family of international characters, both in Math and English Language Arts.
But stay tuned! There might be more cute and supportive learning characters waiting just around the corner… Our Content team is bursting with creativity and ideas.

Do you want to get to know our growing and colorful Content team, e-learning enthusiasts or the tech experts behind? Join our educational mission in 2023. We look forward to receiving your application via our website or via mail at jobs@sofatutor.com.

Your concerns are more of the parental kind? Our ‘Eltern Magazin’, a magazine especially for parents, might help you out with answers, tips and tricks.

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