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9. Sep 2022

The big day: #sofatutorsummerweek 2022

There is one day we haven’t talked about yet: The peak and for many of us the highlight of our summer event week, that we don’t want to hide from you. In this post you will therefore get to know about what happened on Wednesday August 24th, the day of our big sofatutor summer event. Sneak Peek: In the linked video (at the end of the post) you can also immerse yourself directly in the day at the lake…

We can clearly state whether we took the word summer pretty seriously and inhaled the last breezes of Berlin summer during our teamevent. After confiscating public transports running from the city center to Jungfernheide, Stephan, our founder and CEO, kicked off the event around noon at the beach at Strandbad Jungfernheide. Starting with traditional Berlin Currywurst (both vegan and non-vegan), salads and cake, we strengthened ourselves for the main part of the afternoon: the sofatutor team challenges.

In extensive planning our event-team, led by the fantastic game master Gaälle (pictured on the left, next to our Head of People & Culture Rita), put up a row of creative challenges which could only be mastered united and through team spirit. In preparation we were already mixed together into smaller event-teams of around 10 sofatutorians. After shortly meeting our team members from different sofatutor sub teams on Monday, we now gathered together again to compete against other teams.

In the next couple of hours we got to know our team colleagues from entirely different perspectives. While some clearly demonstrated their physical strengths during sportive games such as Tug of War, Catch the Bacon, or Human Table Soccer, others impressed with their extensive knowledge in history during a quiz and surprised with their humming-talent in Activity. In one category, however, we all beamed in particular: the photo challenge, in which we were asked to picture our team spirit.

Loaded with endorphins and a bit exhausted from all those sporty activities, we enjoyed the last rays of sunshine by the water. Sporty team members used the time playing volleyball, others chilled in comfortable lounge chairs on the beach.
Our eager organizers from Team Employee Experience escaped the hustle and bustle of the past few weeks on standup paddle boards onto the lake.

After a delicious dinner there was some time for relaxation and chats with new and old acquaintances. We ended the day together dancing to the sounds of a funky live band from Berlin. Again we got surprised by some talents within the team, who danced away the night under the Berlin starry sky.

Throughout the week Berlin probably found a place in all sofatutorians’ hearts and even made it to the skin of some, who immortalized their trip with a tattoo of the Berlin coat of arms ;)

Most importantly, team members from all over the world now have a spot in our hearts and we are more than excited to see each other in person again! Until then, we will let photos of the day run our screensavers and reminisce while watching our summer event video. For those who weren’t there with us, here is the opportunity to get even more insights into our day:

sofatutor summer event video

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