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14. Jun 2022

sofatutor Picnic 2022 - finally picnic again

Summer is the time for picnics. Unfortunately, we could not continue the cherished tradition of our company picnic for the last 2 years due to COVID-19.Therefore it was an even greater pleasure when this year it was time again for the "Family & Friends Picnic” to come together with our work colleagues and get to know their families and closest friends at Treptower Park as we did many times before COVID-19.

At first, the weather god didn’t want to play along right. Everything was well prepared, and the planning for the snacks and drinks was already in full swing when suddenly all weather apps showed rain, wind, and cold temperatures. Luckily this wasn´t a big problem for our agile event team: quickly they created a survey and bang, a new date was set.

On the second attempt, the weather was finally on our side. At a pleasant 21 degrees and sunny weather, many of our sofatutors in Berlin along with their family and friends showed up from 3 pm on May 31st. The team’s desire to spend time together outside the screen and their office in their own 4 walls was shown by the large number of people who came. Cautious estimates murmured something like 100 people.

The large number of participants was also quickly recognized by the number of snacks brought along. The buffet was rapidly filled with all kinds of savory and sweet treats. As well an open-air bar was well stocked with drinks for old and young. So nobody had to be hungry or thirsty while talking, laughing, and playing.

Quickly, many small groups were formed which changed their composition and members, with time passing. Therefore we were able to meet quite a big number of the other sofatutors. Many were surprised how the colleagues, some of whom had never seen in person before, looked “in real life” and outside the rectangular screen that had shaped our working lives for the last 2 years. So you heard many comments like “Wow, you are much taller in real life than you always looked in the calls”.
But not only our tall picnickers had a great time. The little sofatutors also had fun. Whether playing catch, ball games, or running after the giant soap bubbles, entertainment was always provided.

When the last ones had left at 10 pm the area was quickly tidied up by our Office Team. Everything was packed up again and our event team made their way home, tired but happy about the all-around successful event and with the strong resolution “next year we will definitely do it again”!

Because this event was organized for our sofatutors in Berlin, we also planned a digital picnic for all our remote colleges.

Do you also want to participate in such great events and excursions? Then become a part of our team! Just check out our jobs page and apply. We are looking forward to you!

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