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21. Dez 2022

Helping elves behind the sofatutor blog 2022

Company Christmas parties, last team meetings, big retros and plannings… Everybody seems busy preparing for the end of the year.
A good opportunity to review what happened on the sofatutor blog in 2022 and to thank everyone who contributed with knowledge, skills, creativity and planning. A more or less small team of helping elves is hiding behind every post. They remain unseen but only with every little contribution, ideas can be rolled out on the blog. Introducing you to one of those helpers, today you will get to know Lena. With her skills in Graphic Design and Illustration she brightens up posts with pictures and illustrations.

To summarize the last year on the blog, we’ve linked a few landmark posts throughout. When we first reported on our internationalization on the blog in January, we didn’t yet know when, how and with how many employees sofatutor would go online in the US and UK (read here). Finally, in September the time had come: sofatutor launched internationally (read here)! Internationalization also played a big role during our Summer Event Week in August, which we reported on in a small post series (read here). In addition to other events, such as our Conference Days (read here) or Lunch & Learn Sessions (read here), you can also get insights into our work in the office (read here) or workation (read here) via the blog. Further postings offer insights into further education opportunities (read here), processes and team structures at sofatutor (read here).
With the help of members from all teams, sofatutor’s blog covers a wide variety of both internal and external topics, talked about by different authors and embellished with professional inputs.

Regardless of topic, our Senior Graphic Designer Lena always was part of these posts.
During her studies in communication design she first accompanied sofatutor for an internship in the area of content. Shortly after, when the team was looking for support in sofatutor’s move from analog to digital videos, they asked Lena to join the mission of innovating digital education as Junior Illustrator. For almost six years she has been involved in the production of videos and interactive exercises and supported various SEO projects in the content area. For blog posts Lena edits and formats images and graphics. For our learning platform itself, Lena designed well-known sofatutor characters that support students day by day. You might know Pommes, the penguin for math topics in elementary school, and Blobby, the vocabulary trainer character…

Since April 2022 Lena has been “Senior Graphic Designer” in Team Communications (Marketing), where she works on creative marketing designs and concepts. In addition to designing user-generated content for sofatutor’s social media channels and print products, this year Lena has developed major poster campaigns. ‘Seeing your own designs not only on screen, but also outside of work on the street or in train stations, is great!’, she said.

As for our part, we like to see Lena’s work both offline and in different online formats. We look forward to more creative designs and would like to take this opportunity to thank Lena for her collaboration on the blog!

We would also like to thank all readers who have followed sofatutor on the blog over the past year. 2023 will also be stuffed with exciting projects, we would like to share with all of you! We look forward to taking you with us on the further journey of our internationalization, to give insights into what occupies and motivates us!

Until next time!

Your sofatutor team

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